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Membership Requirements

Membership to the SASQ is exclusive. There are many QRP and SOTA organizations worldwide that have no official criteria for membership, but the SASQ is not one of them. Only existing members may nominate others to join the SASQ and earn the “SASQuatch” title.


New members must be field-evaluated during a successful 10-point SOTA QRP HF activation by an existing member on the below criteria. The new member requirements are:


  1. To have a valid FCC amateur radio license rating of GENERAL or higher.

  2. To be an active and participating member of the Summits on the Air (SOTA) program.

  3. To activated at least one 10-point summit within the SOTA program within the last 12 calendar months using QRP HF. The current attempt with SASQ member during the evaluation may count toward this credit. 

  4. To own and exhibit proficiency with a QRP HF radio set and field-expedient antenna which they have constructed.  Use of a pre-made balun is allowed, but the candidate must have cut their wire themselves. Proficiency can be rated in ANY mode, including CW, SSB, AM, or digital.

  5. To be able to exhibit a functional knowledge of basic fieldcraft/bushcraft established by demonstrating that they have:

  • Constructed a gear kit furnished with the essentials for providing FOOD, WATER, SHELTER, and MEDICAL needs. 

  • Have ability to navigate without the use of electronic devices.

  • Have the ability to administer basic first aid to themselves or others.  

  • Have the ability to create fire using only primitive methods.

  • Have the ability to procure and purify water.

  • Have the ability to construct shelter from the elements.


Criteria is rated as a GO or NO GO, including the overall success of the activation. A NO GO in any area will preclude the candidate from admission in SASQ, however, the candidate may re-test on any portion they did not successfully pass at the rating member’s discretion.


When member candidates have successfully been qualified by an existing member using the criteria above, they may be nominated for membership to SASQ. Three or more members must vote for their final admission to be accepted into the organization and awarded the title of “SASQuatch”. The administrator will award the new member a certificate and enter them into the official SASQ rolls.


Continued membership in the SASQ is contingent upon the SASQuatch being credited at least 30 points though the SASQ database for activations in any 12-month period. Those not meeting this requirement may be removed from the roster. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basic for disability, hardship, or silent key status. 

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